
2 little poems, the second unfinished

And when I watch the news And when I watch the news I look not at the urgent reporter gabbling into the unfolding event trying so hard to see meaning in the mayhem but behind and above him at the chaotic mosaic of heads the angry men confirming the story in this hot dry place […]

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Poem: Saturday in Athens

Saturday in Athens   You can just  discern her, a faded imprint in the matinal shimmer a little shabbier than one might hope She sits and thinks and sits and thinks about her glorious heyday years (which all the world is still applauding) and wonders what will become of her…   But then as dusk […]

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The moment you wake

The moment you wake Is nothing The immense unknowable zero Before the big bang Of self-consciousness Who you are Where you are Who you know What you do   And then What you have to do this day   And what for breakfast? Swing round Slippers on Here we go again

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Oh what a day that will be

Oh what a day that will be   When the Tories are out and Margaret’s a goner And Wimbledon F.C. buy Diego Maradona When they arrest the Queen and drugs are found on her Oh what a day that will be When Murdoch’s riches are converted to rags When you don’t die young from smoking […]

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